Gender is not a biological duality [non-censored]
I wasn't sure if I was going to repost this outside of the socialnet, but I decided it was a statement that should be proudly defended. Bigotry is inconducive to the advancement of the human experiment. The message, and my response are below.
This post is not censored, because there is no longer any excuse (scientific and/or morally on the basis of gender and sexuality) to give kind and reassuring well-thought out science-backed arguments to antagonistic individuals.
Their goal is to disrupt the lives of others, and feel personally superior to those they deem lesser. This is pure hostile fascist intent, in grade school you would call this person a bully. As an adult, you would call them a fascist.
These are those who only want to empower themselves through righteous anti-intellectualism, only deriving power from animalistic instincts of power (which may in fact be a diservice to the animal kingdom). These individuals do not value the power of curiousity, or the infinite possibilities of the universe, but only through the power of hatred and cruelty by way of perpetuating non-existing binaries that are personally catered to them as the superior construct. These outbursts of theirs are obviously a cry for help and attention, a desperate existential need to feel superior based on strict dichotomies, so perhaps we should start speaking their language.
"Gender is a biological duality, what you are referring too is schizophrenia." - Anonymous
That's cool. I'm not going to argue with you in the way that you want, instead I'm going to try a different avenue that I haven't seen before in this conversation.
Who fucking cares?
Biology gave us cancer, biology gave us death, biology is some weak shit where you have to take some ibruprofen, or melatonin, or chemo, or fucking viagra to get through your days and nights.
Biology doesn't matter, life is all about just having the freedom to be who you want to be, when you want to be. It's individualism, it's freedom, are you telling me that you hate freedom?
Biology is some super lame shit, we have medicine and surgeries, and fucking protein shakes to make up for the fact that biology is just weak as hell - just like your argument about fucking "bIoLoGiCAl DuAliTiEs".
Who fucking cares about that bullshit? Freedom-hating bullshitters like you apparently.
So who cares about the need for it? The argument for it? It's weak dude. Get over yourself and find yourself. Who fucking cares?